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Peak Performance

Biofeedback has been used with both professional and Olympic level athletes for over 30 years.

It’s ability to improve mental focus, mind-body control, and overall sport performance is well documented. EPR Biofeedback made its Olympic debut in 2008 at the Federal Sports Hospital in Beijing. For four months prior to the Beijing Games, over 1000 sessions were performed with 50 physicians and over 200 athletes of the Chinese National and Olympic Teams. Thirty two of China’s record 100 medallists were participants in the biofeedback health management program.

Subtle factors like diet, minerals, emotions, allergies, and air pollution can separate Olympic-class competitors that are compared by inches and fractions of a second. For instance, sub-clinical dietary deficiencies may reduce endurance, affect sleep, cause muscle cramps, and impair performance and recovery in countless ways.

The earliest signs of distress are exhibited by the body’s bio-field, and only Electrophysiological Reactivity (EPR) testing is capable of this kind of subtle measurement. The INDIGO Biofeedback System measures the athlete’s own reactions, using their own baselines as the control, rather than comparing them with a “norm”, though results correlate well with standard diagnostic tests when cases are more advanced. This way, each athlete’s individual needs can be ascertained and corrected proactively.

The program also includes high-end 3D graphics intended to allow the athlete to visually interact with the program, which triggers a mind-body connection.

Injury Prevention and Treatment

When athletes are healthy, balanced, and have good stress management strategies, like EPR biofeedback, then the probability for injury is decreased. By monitoring the athlete for the earliest signs of distress, it easier to identify and treat overtraining, poor recovery, insomnia, nutritional imbalance, or other factors that increase the chance of injury. Of course, not all injuries can be prevented.

When an injury occurs, INDIGO Biofeedback bioresonance programs should be used in conjunction with standard medical interventions to dramatically accelerate healing and recovery. Results are surprising, especially when done frequently.

Training Recovery

The excessive demands of world-class training require quality rest and recovery. All current EPR biofeedback athletes are impressed with the improved recovery time they experience when using the device regularly. Quick recovery translates into better training tolerance and improved contest preparation (particularly between heats or events). During high-volume training cycles and as athletes get closer to peaking, they often struggle more with sleep, digestion, and rejuvenation.

As the body becomes more stressed, the autonomic nervous system gets stuck in a “sympathetic-dominant” state, which increases the likelihood of injury, infection, and emotional distraction.

Mental Emotional

One of the most intriguing abilities of the INDIGO Biofeedback System is in providing insight into mental and emotional states. With a skilled operator, very specific emotional stress and historical information can be uncovered with uncanny accuracy and effectiveness. Discussing relevant emotional stress with athletes helps to validate their emotions and helps them to conQUEX Susly comprehend the impact that emotional factors have on performance.

All athletes have full lives, and athletics are only a part. Their ability to deal with concerns about family, peers and coaches, finances, relationships, competition pressure and other events in their lives have profound impact on competitiveness. This capability serves as a perfect complement for sport psychology and mental conditioning performed by the athletes’ trained counselors and coaches.

Peak Performance written by Jeff Sutton, H.B.Sc., C.S.C.S. - Calgary AB